
C&I Solar: Trina Makes It Easier

After a relatively slow start compared to utility-scale and residential solar, C&I solar is poised for a major growth.

There’s a reason why companies like Amazon, Target, Walmart and Switch have turned to solar energy. Not only is it an extremely cost-effective way to power operations, it also reduces carbon emissions which is often at the core of each company’s respective sustainability goals.

The latest data from the SEIA’s Solar Means Business report shows that 7,000MW of commercial solar installations generate 10.7 million MWh of electricity annually. Much of this growth arises from the declining price to install an on-site commercial solar PV system. Over the past decade, this number has fallen 63 percent.

As more commercial and industrial enterprises turn to solar energy, developers and EPCs need to be there to meet this demand. With efficiency the name of the game, it’s more important than ever that EPCs and developers have an experienced solution partner to help guide the process.

Whether you’re an established EPC or an HVAC or electrical contractor considering entering this market, Trina Solar’s C&I Solutions provides the tools and expertise to get the job done easier.

Access to high-quality solar PV components

Trina Solar’s C&I Solutions works as a one-stop shop for the procurement process. It eliminates the need for EPCs to work with multiple vendors and distributors. This streamlines the entire procurement phase while providing greater access to more product sizes, wattage options and design choices. With greater access to more options, developers have better chances of building a PV installation that best meets the system’s desired output.

The best part is that EPCs and developers only have to deal with one company - Trina Solar. This means more scheduling and delivery accuracy, which allows projects to stay on time and on budget.

Seamless installation and integration

C&I solar projects come in a variety of designs, including fixed-tilt ground, rooftop or canopies. But no matter the project size and generation capacity, the experts at Trina Solar ensure a seamless installation and grid interconnection.

Utilizing advanced new equipment and components to install and integrate the system, Trina streamlines this entire process. This ensures labor and warehousing costs remain low, and all components have optimal interoperability.

Dedicated C&I Solutions representative

Throughout the entire process for each project, Trina Solar maintains dedicated C&I solutions representatives. The experienced C&I team works closely with all stakeholders to provide a custom scope to guide and manage the installation from start to finish, and throughout the project’s life cycle.

The combined benefits of access to solar PV components, seamless integration and a dedicated solutions representative means projects are up and running sooner. With quicker time from proposal to interconnection, the project can start generating ROI even faster.

At the end of the day, Trina Solar’s C&I Solutions makes the job easier for solar EPCs and project developers.


Please fill out the form below if you would like to learn more about Trina Solar’s innovative C&I Solutions.






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