
MA/Trina Solar scores 100% in 2021 BNEF Bankability Survey, ranking top bankable module supplier for 6 consecutive years


Trina Solar Co., Ltd. (“Trina Solar” or the “Company”) has&nbsp;<strong>been awarded as bankable by all survey respondents</strong>&nbsp;in the&nbsp;<em>2021 PV Module and Inverter Bankability report</em>&nbsp;issued by BloombergNEF. With this report, Trina Solar is now the only module manufacturer to be rated as bankable&nbsp;for 6 consecutive years by 100% of the industry respondents participating in the annual BloombergNEF survey.</p>

MA/600W+ modules value fully talked and recognized during Intersolar PV show


On Oct. 8th, the webinar of <strong><em>600W+ Panel Discussion with Industry Leaders</em></strong> was held by Trina Solar a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, during Intersolar, the most influential PV show in Europe.</p>

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<img alt="" src="/sites/default/files/new20211009.jpg" /></p>

MA/Standardization of 210mm-size modules significantly boosts the PV industrial chain and system value


In November last year eight world-leading photovoltaic brands, including Trina Solar,&nbsp;Zhonghuan Semiconductor and Risen Energy, set about promoting the standardization of 210mm silicon wafer modules in the photovoltaic industry. By May the 210-standardization process had achieved significant results, which is expected to be formally released in October. This is significantly driving up the value of the PV industry chain and system level.</p>

<strong>Achieving agreement: Uniform size for 210 modules</strong></p>

MA/Trina Solar publishes white paper on global Inverters matching for Trina Solar Vertex series modules

Trina Solar has published a&nbsp;white paper&nbsp;on&nbsp;Inverter Matching for&nbsp;Trina Solar’s Vertex Series PV Modules, the first intelligent inverters&nbsp;matching database in the global photovoltaic industry.</p>


MA/The Way to Best LCOE (V)

<strong>Fraunhofer ISE study</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Ⅱ</strong><strong>&nbsp;: Vertex 210 modules + Trina Trackers </strong><strong>l</strong><strong>eads to 6.0% of reduction in LCOE</strong></p>


MA/Fraunhofer ISE study Ⅱ : Vertex 210 modules + Trina Trackers leads to 6.0% of reduction in LCOE


<strong>The Way to Best LCOE (V)</strong></p>

<strong>Fraunhofer ISE </strong><strong>study</strong>&nbsp;<strong>Ⅱ</strong><strong>&nbsp;: Vertex 210 modules + Trina Trackers </strong><strong>l</strong><strong>eads to 6.0% of reduction in LCOE</strong></p>

MA/Trina Solar publishes white paper on global Inverters matching for Trina Solar Vertex series modules


Trina Solar has published a&nbsp;white paper&nbsp;on&nbsp;Inverter Matching for&nbsp;Trina Solar’s Vertex Series PV Modules, the first intelligent inverters&nbsp;matching database in the global photovoltaic industry.<br />
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MA/Fraunhofer ISE studyⅠ: Vertex 670W’s LCOE reduced by 7.4%, Trina Solar 210 mono-facial modules with fixed tilts demonstrate outstanding system value in Germany


<strong>Fraunhofer ISE study</strong><strong>Ⅰ</strong><strong>: Vertex 670W’s LCOE reduced by 7.4%, Trina Solar 210 mono-facial modules with fixed tilts demonstrate outstanding system value in Germany</strong></p>

MA/The Way to Best LCOE (IV)

<strong>Fraunhofer ISE study</strong><strong>Ⅰ</strong><strong>: Vertex 670W’s LCOE reduced by 7.4%, Trina Solar 210 mono-facial modules with fixed tilts demonstrate outstanding system value in Germany</strong></p>





