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    Trina Solar ranked top module manufacturer and most bankable

    Once again, industry experts, third-party testing facilities and solar project financiers all agree: Trina Solar continues to stand head and shoulders above the competition.

    From performance excellence to reliable bankability, Trina Solar is leading the pack and bringing its vision of cleaner, greener and more affordable energy to life.


    Trina Solar rated top module manufacturer

    It's easy enough for a company to claim to be the best, but only a handful earn the right via rigorous third-party testing of performance. And that's just what Trina did.

    PV Evolution Labs (PVEL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of DNV GL, conducted a product certification test on Trina's solar modules, with Trina Solar passing the thorough and extensive process with flying colors. 

    The DNV GL PVEL Product Qualification Program (PQP) measures the reliability and power generation on a solar modules, using the following tests:

    • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) thermal cycling.
    • Ultraviolet irradiation.
    • Dynamic mechanical load.
    • Humidity freeze.
    • Potential induced degradation attenuation.
    • Hot spots.

    While IEC and UL also perform similar third-party testing, these organizations are not as rigorous as PVEL for both test conditions and sequencing. However, since Trina Solar performs meticulous quality control testing on all of its products, most modules have successfully passed their tests, with less than 3 percent power attenuation.

    With more than 175 individual laboratory tests to ensure a high level of quality control, Trina Solar remains dedicated to providing solar modules with the best possible reliability and durability. After all, the more reliable and durable the solar modules, the better chance end users have in quickly obtaining ROI from their solar projects.


    Trina Solar ranked as most bankable module supplier

    Since solar projects involve significant upfront costs with savings on the long-term generation of power, it's crucial that developers and end users know they're partnering with the most bankable partner possible.

    Once again, Trina Solar has received a top rating from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

    To make this determination, BNEF asked banks, EPCs, independent power producers and technical due diligence firms which PV module brands they considered bankable - that is, which have the best chance of receive a non-recourse loan from a bank for a project using that specific PV brand.

    One hundred percent of the respondents ranked Trina Solar as a bankable solar PV provider. This means solar industry experts and insiders unanimously agree that Trina Solar is financially healthy enough and has sufficient module product quality to make installations using these solar PV modules more viable for obtaining a bank loan to fund the project.

    Despite the accolades and high marks, Trina Solar isn't resting on its laurels. The company is more committed than ever to delivering renewable solar power. With a team of innovative engineers and technicians, Trina Solar continues full speed ahead on bringing durable and reliable solar PV modules to the world.

    Click here to learn more about the latest products and success stories from Trina Solar.

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