
    One of the most important solar trends of 2020 was the rapid evolution of PV module technology. With an ever-increasing focus on reducing solar project LCOEs, the emergence of high power modules has been a game-changer.

    The latest addition to the industry’s module portfolio is the 210mm wafer sized modules. In 2020, Trina Solar brought to market its newest player, the 210 mm ultra-high power Vertex modules. The 210mm Vertex modules aim to reduce Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) and Balance of System (BOS) costs through a two-pronged approach:

    1. Lower initial investments by reducing module cost while increasing module power and efficiency
    2. Increase total energy generation by increasing energy yield and module lifespan


    The launch of these ultra-high power modules was the highlight of 2020 for Trina Solar. Many established industry players, from project developers to the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) community, chose – and are choosing – large wafer-based solar modules that deliver better power output for their projects.

    The “low voltage, high string power” design of Trina Solar’s 210mm Vertex modules are proven to be the best Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) reduction strategy. Recently, DNV GL, the world-renowned third-party testing, certification, and advisory service organization, evaluated and assessed the 210mm Vertex modules in terms of LCOE and BOS costs.

    The results were ground-breaking: Be it with the single-axis 1 portrait (1P) or 2 portrait (2P) installation tracker, ultra-high power modules like the Vertex series modules have a clear advantage over conventional modules. For instance, the 210mm Vertex bifacial module can save up to 6.32% in BOS costs and reduce LCOE by 3.72% compared to the conventional 166mm bifacial module. 


    Maximizing Customer Value with 210mm Vertex Modules

    Trina Solar actively incorporated downstream compatibility into the design of the ultra-high power Vertex series. The 210mm ultra-high power modules are not only compatible with some inverters that are currently in supply, but are also fully compatible with inverters recently launched by the world’s leading photovoltaic inverter brands; these are expected to be mass produced in March 2021.

    Using the 210mm Vertex modules thus not only eliminates compatibility concerns, but also provides the benefits below:  

    • Reduce initial investment costs – modules incorporating 210 mm diameter wafers can reduce the per-watt system cost by 0.1 RMB (US$0.014) or more, making photovoltaic power stations that use 210mm modules more attractive to investors.
    • Increase energy generation – Vertex modules have excellent low-irradiance performance and temperature coefficient, bringing better energy generation benefits to PV systems.


    The ultra-high power Vertex series also has a hidden value to all customers: Significant reduction in required connectors. Manual assembly is required for at least two pairs of connectors per string to interconnect the strings with the connector box or string inverter. The uncertainties in uniformity and quality of manual work can significantly increase the risk of high contact resistance, which increases resistance in the DC circuit, leading to significant DC loss.

    The Vertex module significantly lowers this risk. With higher string power, the Vertex module reduces the number of strings required. Projects using the Vertex modules will hence have lower risks of DC loss and fires, higher savings on connector procurement and installation, and faster project progress. For instance, 6584 potential risk points are removed from a 68 MW project when Vertex modules are used instead of 182mm modules.

    The 210mm Vertex modules have set a new cost-savings standard and maximize customer value, making PV solar energy more cost-competitive for all customers. 

    Trina Solar is betting big on 210 mm modules as it expands to 50 GW capacity by the end of 2021. With its recent launch of the latest state-of-art global manufacturing facility, Trina Solar is all set to meet the rapidly growing demand of the 210 mm Vertex solar modules.

    Shape your solar future with the 210mm ultra-high power Vertex modules. Contact us today to learn more: http://www.dgfurong168.com/en-apac/contact-us  

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